The omnipresent red bricks of Albi set the tone. Delicate pink in the morning, bright orange under the setting sun of summer and madder red in the evening. The bricks create a palette that is as bright as the city’s history.
The episcopal city of Albi has been listed on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage register since July 2010. Cathédrale Sainte Cécile is the largest brick cathedral in the world. An unmissable architectural wonder, a must-see in the Tarn!
The city’s ambiance can be experienced at the turn of an ancient narrow alleyway, on a sunny café terrace or during a lunch break beside the River Tarn. There are many houses and inhabitants for you to encounter.
Splendours, History… and the Good Life
Margot and Romain @Youmakefashion visit the Episcopal City of Albi
Book your Albi City Pass or your visit online
Take an individual guided tour of Albi with a guide: Episcopal city, historic center, cathedral….
Toulouse-Lautrec, A Unique Museum
The former episcopal palace houses 1000 objects (paintings, drawings, personal items) by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, who was born in Albi. The Toulouse-Lautrec Museum owns the largest public collection in the world dedicated to this unusual artist.
The inhabitants of the Tarn are very proud of “their” painter and they paid tribute to him in 2016 by putting up quotes by the artist in their windows.